What is Sashimi?

Whenever the word "Sashimi" is mentioned, people would relate it to Raw Salmon or Salmon Sashimi instantly. And many would mistakenly think that Salmon means Sashimi, or even thought that Salmon is the only kind of Fish served as Sashimi.
Sashimi (刺身), in fact, referred as Fresh Raw Fish, Seafood or even Meat, which tend to be served in thin slices. They will usually be served along with Sashimi Shoyu (醤油) / Soy Sauce, or any typical Soy Sauce, as well as Wasabi (山葵) / Horseradish.
Sashimi are usually plated on top of shredded radish and ohba leaves. In addition to that, chef loves adding the edible plants or flowers - such as Kogiku (mini Chrysanthemum), Hanaho (Shiso flower), etc.
Sashimi is one of the most well-known and well-liked dish in the Japanese cuisine. Sashimi can easily be found in many restaurants and izakayas in Japan.
As Salmon is the most commonly known Sashimi in Singapore, it is almost like a "compulsory" dish to have in the menu of most Japanese cuisine here.
Is Ikura a Sashimi?

Ikura is Salmon's Roe. They are very oily and have a tremendous umami taste within every single roe.
In our definition, any Seafood products, that are and/or can be eaten raw, can be categorized as Sashimi.
So there is no doubt that Ikura and other Fish Roes like Tobikko (Flying Fish Roe), Ebikko (Capelin Roe) are considered as a Sashimi.
Even though they are usually not found alone as a Sashimi on the menu, but you can always make a special order to the chef.

After knowing what Sashimi is, it would naturally lead those confused ones to the curiosity of what is Sushi and what's the differences.
Sushi (寿司) are mainly Sashimi or other seafood topped on roll of Japanese Short Grain Rice mixed with Vinegar. And Sushi are normally comes in a pair, 2 pieces, per order.
The rice vinegar, used for the Sushi rice are sweeter than our usual vinegar, where their blend is specially formulated so as to better enjoy the toppings on the Sushi.
Sushi are served in 2 various types, Nigiri Sushi and Gunkan Sushi.
Nigiri Sushi (握り寿司)

Nigiri Sushi (握り寿司) is where a piece of Sashimi is placed and pressed on top of Sushi Rice. They tend to come in bite size, where we can enjoy the Sashimi with the rice.
Similar to sashimi, Nigiri Sushi are usually Sashimi Shoyu (醤油) / Soy Sauce. However, the Sushi chef would tend to put a small amount of Wasabi in between the Sashimi and Sushi Rice.
Traditionally, Nigiri Sushi are only topped with Seafood or Fish, where they are either completely raw, seared or cooked. There were never meat or other ingredients that were used for Nigiri Sushi.
Nowadays, as we move into more fusion food, chefs started topped the Nigiri Sushi with beef steaks, chicken meat, and many other ingredients to suit the Western taste and fusion.
Gunkan Sushi (軍艦寿司)

As you can see from the photo above, you can tell that it's obviously different from how Nigiri Sushi look.
Gunkan Sushi (軍艦寿司) has the similar Sushi Rice roll, as Nigiri Sushi, but it is wrapped with a piece of Seaweed (Yaki Nori) around with various types of toppings.
As the word "Gunkan" refers to Battleship in Japanese, Gunkan Sushi basic function would be like a boat holding the toppings in place.
Thus, the items that are usually found on top of Gunkan Sushi are many tiny pieces of a particular item; for example:
Uni / Sea Urchin
Negitoro / Minced Tuna
Fish Roes - such as Ikura (Salmon Roe), Tobikko (Flying Fish Roe), Ebikko (Capelin Roe)
Finely chopped Sashimi - such as Salmon, Tuna
Chuka Items - such as Chuka Wakame, Chuka Hotate, Chuka Kuraage, etc.
Inari Sushi (いなり寿司)

Inari Sushi (いなり寿司), as you can see, is slightly different from above 2 mentioned types of sushi.
Inari is a sweetened beancurd pouch; thus, Inari Sushi would refer to the roll of Sushi Rice stuffed inside the pouch.
At times, there are some fillings - such as peanuts, or some crispy items, to add some texture into biting the Inari Sushi.

Maki (巻) is basically where the Sashimi or other ingredients, such as fruits and vegetables, are wrapped in/with Sushi Rice and a big piece of Seaweed (Yaki Nori).
Maki are also served withSashimi Shoyu (醤油) / Soy Sauce and wasabi / Horseradish. Some places would serve Maki with some pickled ginger.
Most common ingredients used to be wrapped are:
Sashimi - generally any type of fish
Vegetables - such as cucumber, avocado, ohba leaves,
Pickled vegetables - such as Takuan (pickled radish), Kanpyo
Kani Stick / Crab Stick
Yaki Tamago / Japanese Omelette
Generally, there are 4 types of main types of Maki:
Hosomaki (細巻き)
Futomaki (太巻き)
Uramaki (裏巻き)
Temaki (手巻き)
Of course there are many more different ingredients apart from above list; however, all different types of Maki have different characteristic and requirement.
Let's see the difference.
Hosomaki (細巻き)

Hosomaki (細巻き) is the most commonly known Maki. It is simply just ONE particular ingredient wrapped with Sushi Rice and Seaweed. And the seaweed is always at the outer layer.
As the "細", similar to Chinese, means slim or thin, it also meant that Hosomaki is usually small and thin.
Hosomaki are usually served in six for every order. They are best to be dipped with Sashimi Shoyu (醤油) / Soy Sauce, to give the extra flavoring.
Futomaki (太巻き)

Futomaki is practically Hosomaki with more ingredients wrapped.
Futomaki (太巻き) has at least 3 or more ingredients wrapped into Sushi Rice and Seaweed. Similarly, it has the seaweed at the most outer layer.
The traditional Futomaki are made up of 7 key ingredients including:
Kappa (かっぱ) / Cucumber
Kanpyo (かんぴょう / 干瓢) / Dried Gourd Strips
Takuan (たくあん) / Pickled Radish
Kani Stick (カニスティック) / Crab Stick
Yaki Tamago (玉子焼き) / Japanese Omelette
Sakura Denbu (さくらでんぶ) / Sweetened Cod Fish Flakes
However, as the time has changed, the ingredients that are in Futomaki are decided by the chefs. There are no longer a standard ingredients used.
Since the size of Futomaki is bigger and more fulfilling, usually, there are only 2 pieces served for every order. Whereas, there's also some places that serve them in 4's too.
Uramaki (裏巻き)

Uramaki (裏巻き) is where the ingredient(s) are wrapped inside the Seaweed and Sushi Rice. However, on the contrary from Futomaki, it has the Sushi Rice at the outer layer instead.
As the Sushi Rice is more sticky, they are usually coat Uramaki with Tobikko (Flying Fish Roe), Ebikko (Capelin Roe), Iri Goma (Sesame Seeds), Furikake (Rice Seasonings). These coatings adds extra flavoring to the maki.
Apart from that, it would also help make the Uramaki more appetizing with the colors coating, instead having it black - due to the Seaweed (Yaki Nori).
California Roll (AKA California Maki) is the most common Uramaki. The usual ingredients that are common found in California Roll are (doesn't necessary include all of the below):
Tobikko (トビコ) / Flying Fish Roe
Ebikko (ししゃも子) / Smelt or Capelin Roe
Kani Stick (カニスティック) / Crab Stick
Kappa (かっぱ) / Cucumber
Yaki Tamago (玉子焼き) / Japanese Omelette
Mayonnaise (typically Kewpie brand)
Any common Uramaki would be Soft Shell Crab Maki, where people love enjoying the crispiness and juiciness from the Soft Shell Crab and the maki.
Temaki (手巻き)

Temaki is slightly different from other type of Maki.
Temaki (手巻き) is known as Handroll or Hand-rolled Sushi to some. It's where the ingredients are wrapped in a smaller sheet of Seaweed (Yaki Nori) and (lesser) Sushi Rice. And they usually comes in an ice-cream cone shape, where you can hold them and eat directly.
When a Temaki is served, you should put down and swallow everything you were having & enjoy the Temaki immediately!
When they are freshly served, the seaweed sheet should still be very crispy - this is where you can fully taste the umami of the seaweed as well.
You may want to *request kitchen to change a new Temaki for you if they served you a Temaki with soggy seaweed* - as this mean that the Temaki has already been prepared for some time before they serve it to you.
* But do note that not all places allows you to do so, especially when you leave it there for some time after its being served - that's your fault for not enjoying it immediately
Most famous Temaki includes:
California Temaki
Salmon & Ikura Temaki
Soft Shell Crab Temaki
California again? Yes, the ingredients used in California Temaki and California Uramaki are the same, just that they are wrapped all inside the Hand Roll this time round.
Now that we have come to an end of what I wanted to cover, let me give you a bonus thing to learn since you stayed throughout with me.
Onigiri (おにぎり)

Although the "Nigiri" word is in Onigiri, that doesn't count Onigiri as part of a Sushi.
Onigiri (おにぎり) is made up of normal plain rice, unlike Sushi and Maki which uses Vinegar Rice, formed in a big triangular ball of rice. At times, Onigiri can be made up of seasoned rice.
Traditionally, Onigiri is filled with either one of the following ingredients:
Umeboshi (梅干し) / Pickled Plum
Salted Salmon
Katsuo Boshi (かつお節) / Bonito Flakes
Kombu (昆布) / Kelp
Any salty or sour ingredients
Today, as many convenience stores in Asia countries sells Onigiri, people started inventing new flavors on to of the traditional ones. In which, Onigiri has started to become one of the staple food to have in some countries - as they are really easy to consume and filling.
Seaweed is not a necessity for Onigiri. Some are without seaweed, or even a small piece of it for garnishing purposes; while some have seaweed wrapped around it completely.
Where to buy Sashimi, Sushi , Maki Ingredients in Singapore?
Except Sashimi, other ingredients can easily be found in big Supermarkets. Special supermarkets with the Sushi counters may easily have all types of ingredients, including Sashimi - but why buy separately when they have already prepared them.
Of course, Jutrade also provides a wide range of products for making your Sashimi, Sushi & Maki. You can click here for the list of products that are already on our site:
As we are still in the midst of adding more items into our website, not all items are shown here. If you are interested in them, or you have other items that you are looking for which are not listed in our website - PLEASE REACH OUT TO US:
Ziqi @ +65 9180 2380 (English)
Wang @ +65 9223 6988 (Chinese/Dialects)
We will be more than happy to hear from you. & also, we can just give you a good long list of what you may need, just simply tell us what you would like to cook or make.
Do note that we won't be listing much Sashimi related fishes online, due to SFA handling restrictions. If you would like to find out more about the Sashimi, please contact us directly.
Ziqi @ +65 9180 2380 (English)
Wang @ +65 9223 6988 (Chinese/Dialects)

Now that we have come to the end of this blog, so what is your favorite type of dish(es) that are listed above?
Do let me know in the comments!
Also, you may leave a comment on that you would like to know or learn about next.
I would love to share them with you!
Till next blog~
#Sashimi #Sushi #NigiriSushi #GunkanSushi #InariSushi #Maki #Japanesemaki #DifferenceBetweenSushiandMaki #SushiandMaki #JapaneseSushi #JapaneseSashimi #SalmonSashimi #swordfishsashimi #tunasashimi #typesofmaki #typesofsushi #salmon #Salmonsushi #salmonmaki #Hosomaki #Futomaki #Uramaki #Temaki #handroll